What are the Common Causes of Cellulite ?
Discover the five most common causes of cellulite on the legs and how to treat them with help from our Spire Aesthetics team.

Cellulite is a fairly common and completely innocuous skin condition that results in lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and belly. Women are more likely to Suffer from this.
Numerous people attempt, with varying degrees of success, to enhance the appearance of their skin through weight loss, exercise, massage, and cellulite creams.
Medically proven therapeutic alternatives, albeit they do not produce rapid or long-lasting outcomes.
Cellulite is every woman’s biggest fear. If you have “porridge thighs” or a “orange peel bottom,” you are not alone. Cellulite affects more than 75% of women.
While being overweight increases your risk, cellulite is not just a concern for larger women; even small people can suffer from it! At Spire Aesthetics we can help.
At Spire Aesthetics , We know cellulite can make you feel self-conscious or humiliated, and it can even have an effect on your mental health.
Many women report that they will not wear particular types of clothing or participate in certain activities, such as swimming, due to their feelings about their cellulite.
If nasty cellulite is affecting your life, it’s time to make a change, At Spire Aesthetics we can help. We have the potential to significantly alter how you feel about yourself.
HOW HIFU Can Remove Cellulite!
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) can be used to target and break down the fat cells that cause cellulite.
The ultrasound energy is focused on specific areas, breaking up the fat cells and resulting in a smoother, more even-looking appearance.
So what creates cellulite on the legs or any other portion of the body? What’s more, what can you do about it?
So What Causes Cellulite?
Processed Foods & Junk Foods
We’ve all heard the adage “You are what you eat,” but nowhere is this more true than when it comes to cellulite. Consuming processed meals is a major contributor to cellulite, with processed meats and cheese topping the list.
If you have excessive cellulite, you should first examine your nutrition. Remove all junk meals, snacks, and take-out menus.
Avoid fast-food restaurants such as burgers, Chinese, McDonald’s, and ice cream.
However, keep an eye out for margarine and other highly processed fats and oils, as well as BBQ sauces and other condiments that are heavy in sugar, harmful fats, and sodium.
Avoid carbonated beverages, pasta, chocolate, and white bread, as they might exacerbate cellulite.
The good news is that just as certain foods might exacerbate cellulite, others can help prevent it.
All of these foods contain anti-cellulite characteristics, so if you have excessive cellulite, it’s time to ditch the processed foods and fill up on fresh fruit and vegetables.
Cellulite-fighting foods include the following:
• broccoli
• green tea
• oranges
• asparagus
• oily fish
• dark, leafy greens
• bananas
• berries
• ginger and more!
We are all aware that we should drink enough water (2l per day). Not drinking enough water on a daily basis can impair your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and waste adequately.
This can result in a rise in cellulite over time.
However, at Spire Aesthetics we know that is not all! Excessive alcohol or caffeine use can dry the skin, aggravating the cellulite condition.
When your skin is dry, it loses its suppleness and collagen formation is impeded.
This can exacerbate the look of cellulite on the legs, as poor, dehydrated skin intensifies its appearance.
As a result, you must ensure that you are drinking plenty of water!
Lack of Exercise
Not only is a sedentary lifestyle detrimental to your physical and mental health, it is also detrimental to cellulite!
Therefore, consider how much exercise you get each week; is it sufficient?
We are all aware that diet and exercise are critical components of maintaining a healthy body (and mind).
While there are additional variables that contribute to cellulite, maintaining a healthy weight can help keep it in check.
Regular exercise helps maintain healthy function of every component of your body, from your heart to your muscles.
When you do not exercise frequently enough, your lymphatic system becomes sluggish, impairing its ability to process and eliminate waste from the body.
This is critical for maintaining our bodies’ health.
If you do not exercise, you increase your risk of developing cellulite’s awful orange-peel appearance.
Are you afflicted with severe cellulite? Perhaps your genes are to blame!
Certain genes are involved in the formation of cellulite, which may explain why some people have excessive cellulite while others do not.
Genetic factors such as your metabolic rate, the distribution of fat beneath the skin, and even your ethnic origin can all play a role in whether or not you acquire cellulite.
Regrettably, there is little you can do about this one because it is genetic! You can, however, work on other aspects that contribute to cellulite, such as nutrition and exercise.
While cellulite can affect women of any age, it is more prevalent in older women. This is not to say that guys cannot obtain it as well! This appears to be due to a number of factors:
• Reduced Skin Elasticity
• Hormonal Fluctuations
• Collagen Deficiency
• Aging Skin
As women age, their bodies generate less oestrogen. This hormone is normally responsible for keeping your blood vessels open and your circulation functioning properly.
Inadequate circulation can result in a decrease in the formation of new collagen and the breakdown of older connective tissue, hence exacerbating the appearance of cellulite.
At Spire Aesthetics we have a range of treatments that can help
How to Treat Cellulite at Home
If you suffer from excessive cellulite, you are not alone. There are several effective home cures and professional cellulite treatments available from Spire Aesthetics .
• Dry Brushing of the Body. Body brushing can aid in circulation and lymphatic drainage improvement. This can help reduce inflammation and strengthen your connective tissue, which can help minimize the appearance of cellulite.
According to some dermatologists, body brushing should occur at least three to four times a week, using a dry brush in circular motions for approximately five to ten minutes.
• Coffee Exfoliating Body Scrubs Do you have any unused coffee?
Coffee is antioxidant-rich, and the caffeine content can help widen your blood vessels and diminish the appearance of cellulite on your legs and buttocks.
It stimulates the skin, tightening and firming it as a result of increased blood flow and the elimination of superfluous water.
These plant-based substances may aid to protect the body from free radical damage and minimize the appearance of cellulite.
• Hydration. Consuming more water assists your body in eliminating toxins, promotes healthy circulation, and keeps your lymphatic system functioning.
While drinking water will not eliminate cellulite, it will assist to conceal it by keeping your skin firm and healthy.
• Diet. Taking care of your diet might help you achieve smooth, dimple-free skin.
Eliminate all of the foods stated previously and replace them with more meat and fish, green and colorful vegetables, and natural fats from fish, meat, avocados, and nuts.
• Maintain an active lifestyle. Being physically active on a regular basis does not require you to spend your days and nights at the gym!
Aim to reach your 10,000-step goal each day. This can be accomplished by routine daily activities such as walking the dog, chasing the kids, and cleaning the house.